terça-feira, 5 de maio de 2009

Absinto com Groselha Strikes Back

Harken my fellows! It draws near, the Green Lady dancing in It's wake, hand in hand with her sweet red friend. It's minions busy themselves around white structures heralding It's arrival. Already a hub-bub of expectation can be heard among the denizens of the city, as their exitment grows ever higher as the day of It's arrival comes closer. 

..and finaly when the day comes, the people will flock to It and fill It's expanse. It's sounds will boom for miles around It anouncing It's presence to the world! And It's folowers will drown themselves in beer and vodka and other such things, and they shall dance and have sex and shout (sometimes separetaly and sometimes all at the same time)  and say  and do very foolish things which will be (hopefully) recorded on moving picture machines!

So come ye, come ye all! Come to this Land of Wonder, and douse your thirst for Absinthe and Groselha amongts your peers! For the time is nigh! The Semana Academica is upon us!

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